hair n. 1.〔集合词〕毛发,头发,汗毛。 2.毛状物;毛状金属丝;毛发织物;【植物;植物学】茸毛。 3.一丝丝,些微。 grey hairs 白发;老年。 A fine coat of hair (马等)一身好毛。 Against the hair 〔古语〕违背本意,不合本性。 A hair in one's neck 麻烦事。 A hair to make a tether of 〔苏格兰语〕 小题大做。 Be not worth a hair 一钱不值。 Both of a hair 同类,一丘之貉。 Bring sb.'s grey hairs (in sorrow) to the grave 使老人忧心至死。 Bush [head, shock] of hair 浓浓的头发。 By (the turn of) a hair 差一点儿,险些儿,几乎。 Comb [stroke] sb.'s hair for him 严责某人。 Do up one's hair 梳头。 Fell of hair 耷拉下来的头发,发绺。 Get [have, take] sb. By the short hairs 〔俚语〕任意摆布某人,完全操纵某人;抓住某人辫子。 Get in sb.'s hair 〔美俚〕触怒,使烦恼。 Hang by a (single) hair 千钧一发,岌岌可危。 Have grey hair 满头白发。 Have grey hairs 有些白头发。 Have one's hair cut 剪发,理发。 In one's hair 光着头。 In the hair 1. 毛向外的。 2. 兽皮有毛的。 Judas hair 红头发。 Keep your hair on 〔俚语〕保持镇静! 别发火! Let one's (back) hair down 1. 将头发散开。 2. 〔口语〕举止随便,不拘礼节。 3. 直言不讳。 Let your hair dry. 〔俚语〕别那么神气,别那么拿架子。 Lose one's hair 1. 头变秃。 2. 发怒。 Make sb.'s hair curl = make sb's hair stand on end 使人毛骨悚然。 Not touch a hair of sb.'s head 不动某人一根汗毛。 Not turn a hair = without turning a hair 不动声色,镇定自若。 Put [turn] up one's hair (少女成年后)梳拢头发。 Smooth [stroke] sb.'s hair the wrong way = stroke sb. Against the hair 使某人恼怒。 Split hairs (over sth.) 作无益的细微分析,无故挑剔。 Stroke sb. With the hair 〔苏格兰语〕 安抚。 Take a hair of the dog that bit you. 〔谚语〕以毒攻毒;用酒解酒。 Tear one's [the] hair 扯头发〔表示悲伤、焦急、忿怒〕。 To (the turn of) a hair 完全一样,丝毫不差。 Wear one's (own) hair 不戴假发。 adj. -ed 具有(某种)头发的 (fair-haired 金发的。 Short-haired 短发的)。 adj. -less 无毛的,无发的,秃顶的。 adj. -like 毛发似的,极细的。
You can seek for special offers while finding laser hair removal prices in your local area 你可以尝试,并得到折扣给予建议。
Try using hair removal creams to remove any self-tanner streaks on the sides of your feet, palms, elbow and knees 可以用脱毛膏除去脚手掌胳膊肘和膝盖上的“假晒色”。
Try using hair removal creams to remove any self-tanner streaks on the sides of your feet, palms, elbow and knees 可以用脱毛膏除去脚、手掌、胳膊肘和膝盖上的“假晒色”。
A woman who went to a beauty salon for laser hair removal treatments ended up with painful burns . she is seeking a refund through the small claims tribunal 一名女子到美容中心进行激光脱毛疗程,到头来出现疼痛的烧伤,她通过小额钱债审裁处寻求退款。
Others include baby care; lips, nipples and mucous membrane care; men's shaving; hair removal; talcum powder; sun-protection; deodorants and body sprays 其他个人护理用品包括婴幼儿护理用品、唇乳黏膜类个人护理用品、男士剃须用品、脱毛类用品、爽身护体类个人护理用品、防晒类用品及除臭类用品。
So, how good is laser hair removal ? well, it seems to depend entirely on the type of hair you have . a doctor or salon should be able to advise you on the best course of action to deal with your problem 所以,有什么好激光脱毛?好,看来完全依赖型的,你的头发.医生或美发应能告诉你最好的行动来对付你的问题